Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Good Fat Vs Bad Fat

Dietary fats add a good flavor and taste when added to foods. One gram of fat gives 9Kcals of energy, nearly double the amount of energy provided by either carbohydrates or proteins. Apart from giving the richness of taste and fullness of energy, fats improve the texture of food products like the puffiness and flakiness of baked products. As the serving size of fat increases so does the girth around the waist. Each kilogram gain in body weight is proportionate to the increased risk of obesity, heart disorders, diabetes and other life style complications.

Butter, ghee, margarine, cooking oils and lard are called visible fats. Invisible fats are those present in meat, milk, egg yolk, cheese, pastries, cream and so on. It is these invisible fats that bring about more harm as they are difficult to estimate. The fats considered bad are - saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats are present in almost all fatty foods - egg yolks, whole milk, butter, dairy products, meat, poultry, coconut, chocolate and cream. All fast foods and junk foods like pizzas, burgers, and ice creams to name a few are all highly laden with saturated fats. Hydrogenated or trans fats are produced by converting vegetable oils into solid fats at room temperature. It is done for commercial purposes like margarine. Both saturated and trans fats have a higher potential risk of heart attacks. One should try to cut down on these for a heart-healthy life.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Orthopedic Surgery in India - Prospects and Areas of Improvement

The broken state of health insurance in the US has left its people with no choice but to pay out of their own pockets for various medical treatments. Despite the US Healthcare system being one of the best in the world, cash crunches have invariably led Americans to seek healthcare treatments in South Asian countries such as Indian, Bangkok and Philippines which have proven to be a popular choice as medical tourism destinations in the world. India, especially, has seen a sporadic development of health centers offering orthopedic surgeries at subsidized rates. Most orthopedic centers in India are well equipped to perform surgical operations for knee replacement, joint replacement and hip replacement. India already accounts for a sizable chunk of doctor's populace all over the world and is slowly developing the infrastructure to provide world leading medical facilities.

Prospects of India as a Medical Superpower
With multinational healthcare chains such as Max and Fortis complemented by indigenous medical corporate, the prospects of India turning into a hub for medical tourism are really bright. The requisite infrastructure is there for running world class, yet relatively inexpensive, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, clinics. Optimization of the resources at hand is what will determine the success or failure of medical tourism in Indian. What will be interesting t o see is the government's role in rightful allocation of land resources in strategic locations.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Amazing Benefits of Lemon

Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. So why is this not widely known and reported? Because there are people making huge profits in the commercial world making synthetic equivalents. You can now spread the word to your friends that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its doesn't taste too bad and it does not produce the awful effects of chemotherapy. People will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the multimillionaires making very substantial amounts in their large corporations.

As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. The fruit can be eaten in different ways: You can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc. It has many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven cure against cancers of all types. It has been shown that it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and also works as an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous complaints. The origin of this information is fascinating: It comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, who says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since the 1970's, they revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas. The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: This type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Quitting Smoking When You Know It's Just A Habit

Knowing how to quit smoking when you realise that it's just a habit, but you keep on doing it anyway, is easier than you might think. A surprising number of smokers have already reached the conclusion that their smoking is just a habit and not an addiction. They know this because the nicotine patches and quit smoking medications, have failed to work for them.

In fact most report having used nicotine patches and still continue smoking, at the same time, simply because they were having a coffee or a meal, it's because they have such a strong association with smoking and food and drinks.

If nicotine was the only problem then it would be logical that all smokers would give up smoking, using nicotine replacement therapy alone. Yet this is certainly not the case, for the vast majority of smokers.

So if the problem is just a habit then why don't smokers just change their minds and quit? Think for a moment about the things you do in your life, those things that you do out of habit, perhaps the way you eat, the way you speak and so on.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How To Keep Your Skin Looking Young And Beautiful

All women are interested with regards to secrets to younger looking skin. There are lots of things that can be done to lower wrinkles and slow down the warning signs of aging. So what is the secret behind younger looking skin? What must we do to prevent premature aging? This is what you need to find out so keep on reading. Overexposure to UV rays is one of the major reasons behind skin aging. These kinds of sun light carry out inner problems for pores and skin cells, along with the effects are generally cumulative after a while.

People who are not regularly applying sun block lotion are noticing that their pores and skin are establishing age spots, sun damage along with lines and wrinkles. To avoid destruction from UV rays it is crucial that an individual must apply sun block lotion with SPF 15 daily. Water is vital throughout hydrating your skin cells from the inside. When you are dehydrated, your skin dries up and wrinkles starts to appear. So make sure to drink plenty of water daily. Addition to keeping the skin hydrated, you also need to apply the best moisturizer cream for total protection against dryness and sun damage. Do you know that cigarette smoking is not only hazardous for your wellbeing, but it can also lead you to looking older than you are? Smoking increases the deadly carbon monoxide in your bloodstream that blocks the nutrition needed by your skin cells.

Whenever your skin cells do not get the particular nutrition they need, they will get rid of the particular healthful glow. As time passes, the skin will sag and wrinkles will start to show. Vegetables and fruits are necessary in keeping your skin layer balanced and younger-looking. They're abundant in vitamins along with herbal antioxidants in which deal with free radicals that cause damage to the skin. Vegetables and fruits also have high water content that can provide moisture to the skin. Tend not to binge throughout alcoholic beverages. It dries out and removes nutrition from the epidermis. Consuming an excessive amount of caffeine can also develop a diuretic influence that generally dehydrates the skin. To prevent drying of the skin, tend not to drink alcoholic and caffeinated drinks excessively. Make sure to obtain a good amount of sleep every night. Your body tissue restoration is at its greatest as soon as your body is sleeping. To provide your tissue the opportunity to refresh, acquire more rest or sleep.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Natural Health - 4 Practical Alternative Health Care Medicine Ideas

Natural Health is alternative health care medicine for our bodies, our planet, and our relationships.

The term "natural health" seems to be thrown around with abandon at everything, describing a mixture of philosophies, products, ideas, and opinions. It can be as varied as "taking walks in fresh unpolluted air, to eating organic foods, and countless other definitions in between. A slippery eel that slithers out between our grasping fingers, the concept of natural health does not give us anything firm to hold on to, no framework that is useful for guiding life choices.

This is unfortunate for a concept this important.

After years of researching and experimenting with lifestyle choices and activities that would keep me healthy and off of the surgeon's table, I have come to understand that natural health goes beyond mushy meanings and has some very practical uses in our society.

First, as a society, we do not take personal responsibility for our own health. We depend on doctors, who depend on the prescription pad, or surgery to "heal" us. While I am certain that advances in medicine have leapt forward over the last century - particularly for accidents and trauma - we can do personal work that can keep us healthy, minimize synthetic drug use, and save ourselves time and money. We just need to decide to do it.

Secondly we need to understand that our bodies are small biochemical factories that run on subtle energies and electromagnetic fields. It is this energy flow through the body that keeps us alive and healthy. Eastern cultures have understood this relationship of energy and health for centuries. The Chinese word for life energy is "Chi", in Japan, it is "Ki", in India it is "Prana". There is also a nice tie-in with spirituality in these ideas, if you choose to pursue that.

Western medicine is more and more understanding these ideas and how they relate to healing. To stay at our best health we need to pay attention to building the strength of our life energy

Next, we need to take care of the planet..... the ball of matter on which we all are passengers through space and time. A clear eyed look around at our environment will show that we have stress fractures in how we grow our food, and how we treat our oceans, rivers, and lakes, and the air that we breathe. If we want to preserve it, and keep it healthy, we must all do even little things that respect our planet, and environment.

Finally, there is the matter of relationships with other people, other cultures, other governments, other races. The world is far too tribal and contentious and that leads to stress and conflict - some of which are wars that chew up lives and money. We need to actively seek harmony with others, and not conflict.

All of this together makes an expanded, more useful definition of natural health. Using these practices creates a true alternative health care medicine for our body, mind and planet. The 4 Natural Health Practices give us a simple framework for living life naturally, and a definition that helps get past all the hype in the marketplace regarding natural health.

They are not necessarily actionable by themselves, but if we adopt the spirit of them into our consciousness, it will help us to make better life decisions and we will be inspired to learn the details of how we can do each one of them well.

The 4 Natural Health Practices

Strengthening Life Energy
Putting the right things in the mind and body
Harmonizing - with others and the environment
Exercising the mind and body
Greg Jordan is a trainer, consultant and author who has been in senior leadership roles for two Fortune 500 Companies. His clients include both for-profit organizations and not-for-profit organizations.

Greg has authored articles on both organizational effectiveness and Natural Health. A life long researcher into natural health care practices, he has created a site to share and learn more about this topic.

Visit: http://www.naturalhealthinspector.com for articles and information on natural health care

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_Jordan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6242846

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Health Care And Teachers: Big Areas Of Educational Interest For Texas

They love to say things come big in Texas. That also includes a big need for teachers and health care professionals. Because of this, the Lone Star State has created a number of big financial aid packages to fill this acute shortage.

For starters, there are two different programs for nursing. The first is the Professional Nursing Scholarship. It will provide up to $3,000 a year to both high school and college students, undergraduate and graduate alike, as long as they go to a Texas-based college on at least a half-time basis. The course load must lead to a licensed nursing position. There is also the Vocational Nursing Scholarship. This one contributes $1,500 and is aimed at undergrads only as long as they are on a program for vocational nursing position.

As many health care shortages are in extremely rural areas, Texas created the Rural Emergency Medical Services Scholarship Incentive Program. It's a matching scholarship fund (up to $2,000) that asks its recipients, upon graduating, to practice in these regions, especially if they are studying to become EMS professionals.

There is also the Texas Health Service Corps Program. This one is aimed at medical residents and fourth-year medical students. This is actually a stipend designed to encourage fourth-year medical students and post-grad residents to work in medically under-served regions within the state. It can go as high as $15,000 a year. That can go a long way toward paying for that final certification.

In regards to teaching, the first grant to apply for is the Texas Public Educational Grant. The amount of the grant varies based on your FAFSA form and what the college itself has to offer. It's open to any high school grad and is renewable. More than likely, it will not be enough, so the state also has its Teacher Loan Forgiveness plan. Any teacher who works in one of their under-served districts for five years will automatically get up to $17,500 of their loan forgiven.

Texas also has a special program for military veterans. Entitled Troops To Teachers, the state will pitch in the tuition of any honorably discharged veteran. They will also help find places of employment. The program is administered through the federal Department of Education's DANTES program, as well as the state. As of 1995, this program has trained and employed over 2,000 veterans.

From there, many people do start out as Teacher's Aides. The state will help them become fully certified educators with their Educational Aide Exception Program. The program accepts any person who has been an aide for at least one year in the last five, or is working as a substitute for over 180 days over that same amount of time. The amount of the award varies, depending again on one's FAFSA application and other criteria.

So, these are the basic programs Texas has instituted in order to gain more teachers and medical professionals through traditional and online degree grant and scholarship opportunities. If you are interested in either of these paths, search online courses and on-campus offerings and then sit down with a financial aid advisor for further help.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Conner

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6021670